The BEST way to tell someone to Whiten their Teeth

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We all know that person with beautiful white teeth and the ones that have a grim yellow smile.  It could be your boss, best friend, sister or brother.   It’s only natural to care about people and want them to look their very best.  But telling someone they have yellow teeth can be a hard subject to approach and teeth whitening treatments can vary in price and effectiveness.

Here are a few reasons why everyone (including your friend) should get rid of ...

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How to get that Celebrity White Teeth Smile

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When you’re scrolling through social media posts, you will see celebrities and influencers with the best-looking smiles and incredible white teeth.  The secret of these white smiles is ‘no-longer-a-secret’ since the treatment to acquire a gorgeous white smile is as simple as a visit to a Professional Teeth Whitening Clinic.

For those people with persistent stains that just won’t budge no matter how well you brush your teeth, then in-clinic teeth whitening treatment might be the best option for you.  Even ...

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How to Remove and Prevent Coffee Stains on your Teeth

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While a cup of coffee or tea is a well-established part of the morning routine for many people, you may not realize how much it affects your teeth. If you don’t take the proper precautions, drinking coffee or tea continually can eventually lead to unsightly yellow and brown teeth stains. Here’s some more info on why this happens and some measures you can take to prevent and remove it.

Why Coffee and Tea Cause Teeth Staining?

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance ...

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Teeth whitening craze makes for better smiles but fewer gold sales

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Not everyone is born with a killer white smile such as German tennis star Andrea Petkovic

While the popularity of a lily-white smile spawned a billion-dollar business for Procter & Gamble, for gold, it’s meant only more bad news.
Until a decade ago, about 67 tonnes of the yellow metal, worth $US2.7 billion ($3.5 billion) today, were filling, capping and crowning teeth worldwide annually. In the last five years, though, demand has plunged almost 60 per cent, according to the World ...

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No one is immune to yellowing teeth as a natural result of diet and age

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Our teeth absorb the colors of our food through microscopic pores every day. Removing years of staining results in dramatically whiter teeth and improved confidence. A beautifully whitened smile is a symbol of health and youthfulness. The challenge is getting the professional results you want without wasting time or money on over-the-counter gimmicks.

Though not as urgent as some dental conditions, yellow teeth can effect your confidence and willingness to smile.   You can then look at changing what you eat and ...

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Why your once White teeth don’t shine like they used to

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It’s often said that the first thing people notice about you is your smile. Now, for people with pristinely white teeth, that’s not a problem. Because, put simply, those people have nothing to worry about; when your teeth bear the same shade as a straight-out-the-ream piece of loose-leaf, there’s no chance that you’ll be judged harshly for the image framed between your lips. For a large majority, however, people with varying degrees of dental imperfection that leave teeth anywhere from ...

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Orange Juice Worse for Teeth than Whitening

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Orange Juice Worse for Teeth than Whitening

With the increasing popularity of whitening one’s teeth, researchers at the Eastman Institute* for Oral Health, part of the University of Rochester Medical Center, set out to learn if there are negative effects on the tooth from using whitening products.

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